Thursday, March 5, 2009

Salt Lake Walking Tour, Courtesy of the Postal Service (Part Deux)

Here are some additional messages left on our city streets. It sure makes walking a hell of a lot more fun!

Ps. I included the words below the pic if they were hard to decipher.

"We'll build castles in the sky out of pieces of this hell on earth."

"So far so good, so far so good, so far so good. It's not how you fall that matters. It's how you hit the ground."

"The Police are hella sketch."

Monday, March 2, 2009

Salt Lake Walking Tour, Courtesy of the Postal Service

As of late I have been intrigued by the various graffiti gracing my local streets. This installation of my Salt Lake Walking Tour focuses on the Priority Mail address stickers. Do you think the US Postal Service would continue giving these out for free if they knew that they were aiding a public art project? Probably not. But thanks anyway, Postal Service!